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Food, Culture and Travel in 2023

Travel is about so much more than just moving from place to place.

In 2023 and beyond, it is anticipated that nearly half of all travellers want to truly 'get away from it all' when exploring other countries.

While travelling has always been an opportunity to escape, post-pandemic trends show that people are increasingly motivated to seek something more from holiday destinations. People don't just want to remove themselves from the ordinary aspects of everyday life, but fully immerse themselves in new adventures and culturally rich opportunities that provide a lasting impact.

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Gastronomic Getaways & Meaningful Meals

Food is a core part of the cultural identity of a destination, so it's no surprise that travellers seek memorable and authentic experiences through regional cuisine. You can learn much about a place's history, people, and the environment through its gastronomy. But for the more intrepid explorers among us, discovering the food and drink of a new city or country goes far beyond rudimentary tourist menus or predictable, traditional fare.

The future of food travel

In 2023 we see an evolving desire beyond simple food tourism. While visitors still want to taste croque-monsieur in Paris and the tapas of Barcelona, there is a desire to experience and uncover the more innovative aspect of flavours, culinary rituals and gourmet encounters on offer.

A slower pace

For discerning travellers, the days of being a tick-list tourist are long gone. Hurrying from one guidebook attraction to another can be both tiring and unfulfilling. A desire to invest in personal wellbeing alongside a more laidback curiosity means choosing destinations and experiences that are both remarkable yet relaxed, interesting, and inspirational.

Disconnecting from the world of 'always on' and finding a different pace allows travellers to slow down and discover creative ways to engage with a place's natural environment and culture while supporting their emotional, physical, and sensory wellbeing. Seeing how and where food is grown and harvested, seasonal eating and a more leisurely gastro encounter now feature prominently in the foodie traveller's wish list.

Meaningful mouthfuls

We recognise a desire among our curious tabl. gastronauts to explore and experience destinations from a more authentic angle and to enjoy local food with a better understanding of cultural context. From eco-innovation to conscious sustainability and organic wineries to delving deeper into a place's green and blue spaces and engaging with local communities for inspiring dining and cooking classes. We are always looking at the best ways to connect travellers with thought-provoking, memory-making experiences through the gastronomy of a place.

So how can visitors immerse themselves in experiences that offer this enticing blend? And where should we put the pin on the map?

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Blue Spaces

"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained within water."

So said Loren Eiseley, an American philosopher, and he's not wrong.

A connection to the water is a primaeval instinct that has been with us since the dawn of time, something in our DNA and certainly something that promotes a wide range of wellbeing benefits on a physical and emotional level. In a post-lockdown world, we seek more purposeful ways to care for our mental health and travel experiences that support this. These include more exposure to fresh air, nature, the ocean, lakes, mountains, flora and fauna and outdoor adventures that make us feel better, happier, calmer and more in tune with ourselves.

Being able to access water in so many different ways, by being near it, on it and under it, only enhances the many opportunities to benefit from it. At tabl. we offer ways to explore and appreciate local food and drink from a different view - one that recognises this need for balanced, thoughtful experiences in new destinations - by curating tours and culinary delights with a water-based twist. Enjoying spots like Barcelona and Dubai from the ocean offers a fresh perspective from the typical urban experiences.

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Conscious Cuisine

There is now an enhanced awareness of the journey of food from harvest to plate, and this insight and desire allow people to make more informed choices regarding what they eat and drink. Travellers are more aligned with the approach to sustainability in food and dining and the importance of supporting local producers and their own wellbeing as they try new fare in different destinations.

We recognise that seasonal eating is better for your health, taste buds, and regional farmers, plus it reduces your carbon footprint. Discerning visitors seek out innovative chefs and creative dining as an integral part of their holiday encounters. They want to learn about produce, recipes and techniques through interactive cooking classes and community-led gastro experiences. Food that nurtures and nourishes us and supports our health and vitality is on the menu more than ever.

Whether it is organic, vegan, plant-based, grass-fed, gluten-free or non-dairy you're after, eateries and gastronauts worldwide are listening and offering a whole new level of original and inventive delights.

Italian cities such as Florence and Rome offer mouthwatering food and drink experiences, from visiting local markets and street food tours to organic vineyards, private cookery classes and learning how to prepare (and taste!) food from the Medici period.

To discover how to source, cook and enjoy local, seasonal, and sustainable produce in the foodie centres of the world, tabl. is your guide to the front door of cutting-edge restaurants and experiential eating and the opportunity to explore the fascinating behind-the-scenes approach from concept to creation. We can offer experiences to suit all palates.

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Escape into Nature

Spending time in nature has been shown to have incredible health benefits and a calming mental effect, which can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve mood. Being outdoors often encourages people to be more active through activities or simply walking, and in turn, this helps with improved focus and boosts the immune system. No doubt connecting with the environment more often reminds us of our place in the earth's ecosystem and our obligation to educate ourselves as guardians of our precious planet. In the words of Aristotle, "In all things of nature, there is something of the marvellous."

So what does this have to do with the gastronomy of a place? Well, everything, really. Local nature can tell us a lot about local food, as the natural environment plays a significant role in determining what foods are grown and produced in a particular area. Climate and weather, the type of land and soil, native plants and animals, local traditions such as fishing or farming and generational culture and approach to food can all shape the local cuisine. Eating and drinking regional cuisine in a glorious natural setting only adds to the endorphin rush of enjoying a new destination. tabl. can guide you in blended experiences from flora and fauna to fork.

A river city like Paris can offer a surprising amount of opportunities to connect with not just culinary diversity but a variety of nature and water-based experiences. Such as dinner cruises along the River Seine, designed to tickle your gastro-travel tastebuds.

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Gastronauts Get Ready

Our recommendation for foodie explorers in 2023 and beyond is to slow down and plan trips with your health and happiness in mind. Less rushing about and more leisurely exploration and sensory, immersive encounters.

Remarkable memories are made when you feel the joy of connecting a new natural environment and culture alongside culinary innovation and meaningful food experiences. Whether that is shared meals in unique locations, quiet solitary moments over a coffee or with friends among the buzz of a world-class restaurant.

Food and Drink Experiences with tabl.

There is so much to discover; whatever your style of travel, where are you going next?! Book authentic food and drink experiences with, for a range of tours and activities in a wide range of inspiring destinations.

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