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One of the best ways to experience the various food and drink in Russia is with our Moscow food tours. Whereby foodies can sample the diverse array of cuisine available.

After all, throughout Russia's long and complex history, the locals have developed a number of traditional dishes. Especially when it comes to the capital of Moscow, which has a take influences from Europe, Siberia, Asia and the cuisine of the Caucasus. Transforming them into a modern gourmet renaissance.

Authentic Food and Drink in Russia

If you are visiting Russia and looking for authentic food and drink, why not join one of our Moscow food tours? Alternatively, we've created a bucket list of all things food and drink related to tick off during your travels.


Blini are pancakes made with yeast dough, creating a light texture with a distinct flavour. They are then filled with ground meat or vegetables for savoury snacks or turned into a sweet dessert with berries and cream cheese.


Borscht is a root-vegetable soup, predominantly made with beetroot as its key ingredient. However other vegetables are often added, along with additional meat, before being topped with sour cream to add contrast to the flavours.


Pelmeni is a dish originally from Siberia, dating back to the Chinese merchants of the 15th century. The dough is folded around ground meat and heavily flavoured with onion, garlic, pepper and spices.

Do you wish to make authentic Russian dumplings at home? Then why not join one of our popular online cookery classes.


These are delicious tiny pies of buttery pastry covering a savoury filling of meat and vegetables, cheese and herbs. They are very popular at Christmas, and can be baked or fried, and served as a sweet variety with jam, stewed apples and cherries.

Beef Stroganoff

This is a very famous Russian dish of slow-cooked beef fillet, onion and mushrooms, sautéed in white wine and sour cream sauce. Legend states the dish was named after the family Stroganovs, who were f merchants of huge wealth and power during the Tsar reign.


A gorgeous Russian honey cake that is soft, sticky, and creamy and tastes divine! It is made using fifteen layers of ginger and cinnamon pastry, with sweetened sour cream and condensed milk in between the layers.


This luxurious food is associated with Russia’s very rich and is one of the world’s most expensive dish. The really exclusive specialities can cost up to several thousands of dollars for just a teaspoon’s worth.


This popular drink is made with beer and Russian vodka. After the drink has been mixed, it is customary to drink is really quickly. Yorsh is normally consumed in a social gathering after a toast is made.


Starka is a strong alcoholic rye spirit, that dates back to the 15th century, and it normally associated with Poland and Lithuania. It is mostly consumed at weddings and special occasions.


Also referred to as Russian moonshine, Samogon will help put hairs on your chest! Authentic Samogon can be produced from almost anything that ferments over time, from grains and fruit to beets, potatoes and leftover bread.


This popular probiotic beverage is produced from fermented milk and kefir grains. Resulting in a drink that aids digestion and can help improve your immune system.


Last but not least, no list of food and drink in Russia would be complete without mentioning pure Russian Vodka! Made from fermented grains, potatoes and fruit, vodka is somewhat symbolic of Russia's drink culture.

Food and Drink Tours in Russia

Here at tabl. we have a number of Moscow food tours available to book online before you travel. All of which will provide you with an authentic experience into the food and drink of Russia. Along with an understanding of the country's history, culture and long-list of traditions.

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